Church Forms & Docs

All church related forms and documents for Hope Unlimited Church

For things like ‘Baptism’ and ‘Baby Dedications’ please find the forms below.

Child Dedication

Congratulations on your desire to dedicate your child to the Lord! Our church is eager to assist you in this important matter. Baby Dedication ceremonies are usually conducted upon the request of the parents and the family.

IMPORTANT: Fill the online form at least ONE MONTH prior to the desired date.


Baptism marks the beginning of the Christian life, signifying our union by faith with Christ in his death and resurrection (Rom. 6:1-11). Those who have trusted him for salvation are commanded to follow his example (Matt. 3:13-17) in immersion in the waters of baptism. Our church conducts baptism services twice a year for those who freely desire it and have professed their personal faith in Jesus as their Saviour (Acts 8:36-38).

Please fill the online form and our pastoral team will contact you soon.

Wedding Banns

IMPORTANT: Fill the online form at least THREE MONTHS prior to the desired date.

Wedding Form

Congratulations on your decision to unite in holy matrimony.

IMPORTANT: Fill the online form at least THREE MONTHS prior to the desired date.

Volunteer Guide

This handbook provides important information and sets expectations for those who support the fulfilment of our Church vision by volunteering in ministry and service roles